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Jane Gallop - The Phallus and its Temporalities: Sexuality, Disability, and Aging


Jane Gallop is the author of nine books and nearly a hundred articles that have provided an influential voice for feminism. Topics which include psychoanalysis and feminism; the Marquis de Sade; feminist literary criticism; pedagogy; sexual harassment; photography; and queer theory. See more...

01:18:06 min


Fast The RIGHT WAY To Start Reversing Your Age TODAY! | Dave Asprey & Mark Hyman

Getting older is inevitable, but aging is not. What society thinks of as aging—wrinkly skin, poor memory, weight gain, aches and pains—is actually abnormal aging, and it doesn’t have to be this way.

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Why You Might Want to Reconsider That Carnivore Diet | Dave Asprey on Health Theory

On this episode of Health Theory with Tom Bilyeu, Dave Asprey discusses the primary dietary mistakes people make, advocates for some pretty unusual health practices, and details simple, inexpensive changes you can make to reverse the aging process and radically improve your day-to-day health.

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Knowing Your Foods Can Beat Disease | Dave Asprey

Dave Asprey, renown biohacker explains how you can become an anti-aging guru by fighting the 4 Big Killers and live till 180.

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Disabled Well-Being