In this video, Neurodivergent Rebel shares what it's like being neurodivergent and polyamorous.
14:00 min
The way ADHD brains develop can put us out of step with our childhood peers, leaving us feeling awkward, left out and with social anxiety that can follow us into adulthood. Here, I talk about my own experiences with that, and offer simple solutions.
This video introduces the idea of neurodiversity and applies it to students with learning disabilities.
What kind of world would we have if we all realized what kind of mind we had and began appreciating it? What if we did the same for others? In this talk, Brian Kinghorn champions the cause of Neurodiversity, arguing that there is not just one “standard-issue” brain.
One in 59 children are identified with autism spectrum disorders and millions of children have been diagnosed with ADHD in the U.S.—yet psychologist Devon MacEachron, PhD believes that there is too little attention given to enabling people with neurologically different minds.
Frustrated with what to do when traditional parenting methods and typical parenting advice just don't seem to be working? Maybe your child or teen is struggling with anxiety, self-esteem issues, social anxiety, and self-doubt. Here’s insight into neurodiversity to help support the family bond.
Child Mind Institute Presents: The Adam Jeffrey Katz Memorial Lecture—An expert panel featuring Dr. Gail Saltz, Dr. F. Xavier Castellanos, Dr. Rachel Klein, and Dr. Edward Hallowell