Margarita Lopez, 58, is one of the oldest students at University of Southern California.
03:56 min
Caregiving can be filled with ups and downs throughout a loved one’s treatment journey. Building resilience can be beneficial to you and your loved ones, improving emotional wellbeing and coping abilities.
Professor Arlie Hochschild examined what really happens in dual-career households.
Educator Dr. Steve Perry explains how parents can unknowingly pass down harmful messages to their children and cause lifelong trauma in the process.
Michael has over 20 years’ experience working with children and families and has worked with Intermountain in Helena since October 2000.
Kay Redfield Jamison discusses how she and her late husband found profound delight in his final years as well as the commanding power of the grieving process.
As a psychologist and counselor specializing in the care of children with cancer, Joanna Breyer has advice for families facing stress for which they never prepared. Author of “When Your Child Is Sick,” Breyer joins Judy Woodruff for a conversation.
Parents who have “been there, done that” share lessons they’ve learned on parenting a child with an illness or chronic medical condition.
Episode #19 ~ “Illness and Coping” in our video Chai’n’Chat series. Krishna Das sat down with some of our satsang over a cup of chai to answer a question of their choice. Thank you to all who asked their question.