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College Students Share Survival Tips for Moving Out the House


Moving out of mom and dad's house is a huge milestone for many young adults. So to avoid unforeseen circumstances, here's some advice that students have to offer.

03:37 min

Luke’s Best Chance: One Man’s Fight for His Autistic Son

More than a million children in America are the autism spectrum. What happens when they come of age?

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What to Do if Your College Kid's Grades Are Slipping

The transition from high school to college is not always an easy one.

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College on the Autism Spectrum: A Parent’s Guide to Students’ Mental Health and Wellbeing

Providing expert yet accessible guidance to parents of young autistic people who are going to college, this book helps parents support their child from application through to graduation.

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How Parents Can Ward Against “Imposter Syndrome”

Today in my interactions with college students and young scientists in training, I’m often struck by the limits that they are placing on their own potential by comparing their achievements to those of others.

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What Parents Need to Know about College Students and Depression

As college students returned or entered college this fall, the important issue of anxiety and depression is a discussion that parents, college students and professionals who work with students do not want to forget.

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How to Help a Perfectionist Student

Starting university is often a stressful time and can lead to perfectionist tendancies. If you’re a worried parent, here’s how you can help.

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The Campus Cure: A Parent’s Guide to Mental Health and Wellness for College Students

Did you know that one of four college students was diagnosed with a mental health disorder in the last year? College students are experiencing anxiety, depression, alcohol abuse, and other mental health issues at alarming rates in a landscape of growing academic, social, and financial pressures.

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Daughters and Mothers: Making it Work

The mother/daughter relationship is one of the most intense relationships a woman will ever experience-it is strong and primary. This first and essential relationship has a powerful, though often subtle, effect on an adult woman's interactions with her mate, children, friends-and herself.

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#22 Adam Grant: Givers, Takers, and the Resilient Mind

Are you a giver or a taker? Have you ever struggled to find work/life balance? How do you build resilience in yourself, your team, or your children?

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Shefali Tsabary on Conscious Relationships

An interview with Shefali Tsabary, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist, international keynote speaker and bestselling author of The Conscious Parent, Out of Control and her latest, The Awakened Family.

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Young Adult Well-Being