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One thing no one told you about the imposter syndrome | Christina Whittaker | TEDxAlpharettaWomen


Have you ever doubted your expertise, self-worth, and ability in your life, career, or business? You may feel like a "fraud", but it's actually called “impostor syndrome", and over 70% of professionals have experienced this phenomenon.

18:14 min


Imposter Syndrome In Medical School

Have you experienced or do you currently experience imposter syndrome? This is a fairly new concept to me but once I heard the definition I knew this was EXACTLY what I've been going through. For everyone else who has imposter syndrome - I hope this video helps!

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5 Types of Imposter Syndrome

Learn more about Imposter Syndrome.

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How Students of Color Confront Impostor Syndrome | Dena Simmons

As a black woman from a tough part of the Bronx who grew up to attain all the markers of academic prestige, Dena Simmons knows that for students of color, success in school sometimes comes at the cost of living authentically.

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Dr. Brené Brown on Faking It, Perfectionism and Living Wholeheartedly | SuperSoul Sunday | OWN

Daring Greatly, Dr. Brene Brown identifies 10 qualities people living a wholehearted life have in common. Here, she discusses two with Oprah. Watch to find out why Dr. Brown says inauthenticity is contagious and why perfectionism is really another form of fear.

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Dental school and IMPOSTER SYNDROME

Dental school can be really hard. And throughout the day in the life as a dental student it can be easy to feel like you don't belong, that you're an imposter. In this video, Dani and I talk about our experiences dealing with imposter syndrome throughout dental school and as working dentists.

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What If Imposter Syndrome Is a Good Thing? | Peter Shepherd | TEDxUniMelb

Do you ever feel like an imposter? Like you have no right to be where you are?

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8 Habits of Highly Successful Students

Some students just have everything together. They earn awesome grades, but they're also successful on other fronts. Opportunities always seem to find them, and they're always prepared for what's coming next. If you want to become one of these students, start by adopting their habits.

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Overcoming Imposter Syndrome as a New Business Owner

Learn how to overcome imposter syndrome and start the dream business you want to have. In this video, I'll share tips on you how you can navigate the feelings of not feeling good enough to move forward.

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Imposter Syndrome: Why Sophia Amoruso Thinks It’s Good for Business

Have you ever heard the term “Girl Boss”? *I bet you have!* Today, I’m about to introduce you to the powerhouse woman that made the term common: Sophia Amoruso.

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Thinking Your Way Out of Imposter Syndrome | Valerie Young

Feeling like an imposter can set anyone back a few notches in terms of self-esteem—imposter syndrome can make you rethink all your decisions and lower your confidence.

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Imposter Syndrome