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How to Get Through a Period of Burnout. (I Know You’re Feeling It Too)


hello burnout my old friend ~ I know that, at least a few of my fellow college students, a lot of us are feeling this right now (and throughout this whole semester, really).

18:06 min


The Perfectionist Trap

One of the greatest obstacles to a good life is the expectation of perfection.

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Perfectionism is Destroying your Productivity.

"My greatest weakness is perfectionism" might not be a cop-out answer after all.

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Mental Health Is Declining and Black Women Are Hit the Hardest | Keita Joy | TEDxBeaconStreet

Did you know that in the United States, over 10.3 million adults have serious thoughts of suicide and/or battle with mental health struggles privately while continuing to produce and perform publicly? Imagine living with a constant, lingering private struggle, while performing in front of the world.

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Debunking the Superwoman Complex | Kishshana Palmer

Excel at school. Excel at home. Excel In social circles. Excel in your career. Excel in love. The pressure is on you to be a superwoman.

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Stop Being a Perfectionist

From artist Ryan Kao: I’ve been stuck in a creative rut for nearly a year. It’s taken a while, but I’ve finally decided to let go of my perfectionism and start doing what I love again. Thank you Chace McLees for helping me create this.

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Exercise Addiction I The Feed

Endorphins are supposed to make you feel good . . . but good enough to get hooked? The Feed’s Andy Park goes in search of people addicted to exercise. Facebook: Twitter:

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Youth Sports: Tips to Help Kids Handle the Pressure

Is your child feeling the pressures of a team or individual sport? Here are some tips on helping them handle the pressure.

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My Yips Story

A former collegiate softball player talks about her struggles with mental health and the Yips during her career.

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Your Imperfect Pitching Story—A Story about the Yips

A story about the Yips. Our hope is that this story will help someone going through the yips or something similar.

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Perfectionism in Dance

Summarising SciDance Podcast Episode 1, where dance psychologist Sanna Nordin-Bates spoke about perfectionism in dance. I reflect on the key points, focusing on how dance educators can apply this research practically in the studio to support dancers’ wellbeing.

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