Mental Health affects everyone says Youth Activists.
01:01 min
There are various developmental theories that go into the tool kit that parents and educators utilize to help mold caring and ethically intact people, including those of Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget and American psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg.
Nudge kids to be their best selves by encouraging them to consume positive, inspiring media and online content.
The Behavior Code unlocks a wealth of proven practices to help teachers, counselors, and parents identify the messages underlying challenging student behaviors and respond in supportive ways.
As a psychotherapist and a foster parent, I’ve seen firsthand how parenting habits directly affect the way kids think, feel, and behave. I’m sharing how to give up the unhealthy yet common parenting habits that are draining kids of the mental strength they need to reach their greatest potential.
The mother/daughter relationship is one of the most intense relationships a woman will ever experience-it is strong and primary. This first and essential relationship has a powerful, though often subtle, effect on an adult woman's interactions with her mate, children, friends-and herself.
Are you a giver or a taker? Have you ever struggled to find work/life balance? How do you build resilience in yourself, your team, or your children?
Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson speak to audiences all over the world about their immensely popular best-sellers, The Whole-Brain Child and No-Drama Discipline.
Trying to convince a middle schooler to listen to you can be exasperating. Indeed, it can feel like the best option is not to talk! But keeping kids safe—and prepared for all the times when you can't be the angel on their shoulder—is about having the right conversations at the right time.
Meeting the emotional challenges of caring for children with mental health issues. Parenting is hard work, and parenting a child with mental health issues is exponentially harder.
Based on the latest research on brain development and extensive clinical experience with parents, Dr. Laura Markham’s approach is as simple as it is effective. Her message: Fostering emotional connection with your child creates real and lasting change.