Mental Health affects everyone says Youth Activists.
01:01 min
Hailed by Andre Gide as the patron saint of all outsiders, Simone Weil’s short life was ample testimony to her beliefs. In 1942 she fled France along with her family, going firstly to America. She then moved back to London in order to work with de Gaulle.
Rock star, crowdfunding pioneer, and TED speaker Amanda Palmer knows all about asking. Performing as a living statue in a wedding dress, she wordlessly asked thousands of passersby for their dollars.
In Earth Angel: A Guide to Finding Your Wings, Sonja Grace brings an entirely new perspective to the angel genre. She has been traveling and working in the angelic realm for over 30 years is dedicated to Divine love and is an Earth Angel.
A bird was lying on his back in the road with his feet in the air. A horse saw him and asked, “What’re you doing?” The sparrow said, “I’m helping hold back the darkness.” The horse sneered and said, “Yeah, right,” and the sparrow said, “One does what one can.”
Though she did not set out to do so, Carson influenced the environmental movement as no one had since the 19th century’s most celebrated hermit, Henry David Thoreau, wrote about Walden Pond. “Silent Spring” presents a view of nature compromised by synthetic pesticides, especially DDT...
First published by Houghton Mifflin in 1962, Silent Spring alerted a large audience to the environmental and human dangers of indiscriminate use of pesticides, spurring revolutionary changes in the laws affecting our air, land, and water.
A walk-the-walk, talk-the-talk, hands-on, say-it-loud handbook for activist kids who want to change the world! Inspired by Abbie Hoffman’s radical classic, Steal this Book, author Alexandra Styron’s stirring call for resistance and citizen activism will be clearly heard by young people who...
From Cecile Richards—president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America and the Planned Parenthood Action Fund for more than a decade, daughter of the late Governor Ann Richards, featured speaker at the Women’s March on Washington, and a “heroine of the resistance” (Vogue)—comes a story...
Shannon Watts was a stay-at-home mom folding laundry when news of the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary flashed across the television screen. In one moment, she went from outraged to engaged and decided to do something about it.
A brilliant author who organized with Dr. King and served on the staff of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.