An interview with John Mudrey at the 2017 Winter Sports Clinic
01:00 min
People with disabilities are increasingly achieving their dreams to become parents. The strengths and challenges faced by these unique families aren't what you might expect.
Finding wheelchair accessible parenting equipment is almost impossible. You certainly won't find it at any Babies R Us or other major retailers.
A family from Watford, England, want the world to know that life can be the same when living with disabilities. Faye Pearson, 29, and her husband Stevie, 26, are parents to 18-month-old Rowan. Both of their conditions are progressive, however, neither was passed onto their son, Rowan.
Guthrie resident Kim Watson overcomes the physical and emotional challenges of parenting with a disability.
One day in the grocery store, someone questioned Kim Lan Grout's ability to be a mother because of her leg amputation. In this talk, Grout explores the way we judge differences, and how simple it is to change the way we think about them.
Lynn Pedotto interviews Katie Frank about sexuality education for children with disabilities.
Child Development Worldwide presents a topical examination of all stages of development—from prenatal development through middle childhood, adolescence, and emerging adulthood—through the engaging lens of culture.