An interview with John Mudrey at the 2017 Winter Sports Clinic
01:00 min
Working with US Army combat veterans for over three years Judah Pollack discusses his insight that resiliency is a product of communities, of human networks. The culture of the Army is less accepting of traditional therapy. But the culture is built on the power of soldiers supporting each other.
The return from a challenging experience is an important piece of the Hero's Journey, something that every veteran experiences, and one that is often overlooked by society. Healing approaches are needed.
The trailer for our long form film to come... featuring John Bateson, Gabriella Lettini, Walt Stewart, Matthew Griffin, a Marine captain, Gene McMahon, Sam Luna, Gloria Luna... and 1.7 million returning U.S. Vets looking for support to transition home.
Jones who lost both legs is ran 31 marathons in 31 days to raise money for wounded veterans.