An interview with John Mudrey at the 2017 Winter Sports Clinic
01:00 min
When you look at me what do you see? Join Olivia as she explains her journey of having chronic illnesses. Olivia contextualizes her experience through spoon theory.
The trailer for our long form film to come... featuring John Bateson, Gabriella Lettini, Walt Stewart, Matthew Griffin, a Marine captain, Gene McMahon, Sam Luna, Gloria Luna... and 1.7 million returning U.S. Vets looking for support to transition home.
Doron is introducing here his favorite go-to lesson as a remedy for back pain. While it’s not necessarily a “formula” for relieving back pain, Doron has taught this lesson to hundreds of people who have benefitted from it.
This Feldenkrais lesson will bring some relief to sciatic nerve pain. This condition is ever so common nowadays because of all the sitting we are doing. The sciatic nerve is one of the first things to be affected when it comes to too much sitting.