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The Power of Circles with Ethan Viets VanLear


Healing begets healing: restorative justice practices offer a pathway for individual healing for both the person who has been harmed and the person who perpetrated the harm.

03:20 min


Tracing the Arc of Justice: Reverend Jacqui Lewis and Adrienne Maree Brown

Waging love and watching resllient wildlife; this week, we mark the one year anniversary of the 2016 election by asking two charismatic leaders how they keep their sprits brave.

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Reverend: White Supremacy Sometimes “Masquerades as Faith” in Christian Churches

Rev. Jacqueline Lewis, senior minister of Middle Collegiate Church in Manhattan, is on a mission to eradicate racism—especially within the church she loves. Though Rev. Lewis’s own congregation is a model of diversity, Rev.

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Black Well-Being