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Why You Should Do A Digital Detox - Cal Newport

By Cal Newport — 2019

Georgetown University professor and author Cal Newport explains why you should unplug from your electronics and take a 30 day "digital detox."

02:12 min


Letting Go of What Holds You Back | Amy Morin | TEDxOaklandUniversity

It only takes one or two bad habits to make you less effective and to rob you of mental strength. Rather than adding more good habits to your life, focus on giving up the unhealthy thoughts, behaviors, and emotions that keep you stuck.

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The Secret of Becoming Mentally Strong | Amy Morin | TEDxOcala

Everyone has the ability to build mental strength, but most people don't know how. We spend a lot of time talking about physical strength and physical health, but much less time on mental strength and mental health.

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The Skill of Self-Confidence | Dr. Ivan Joseph | TEDxRyersonU

As the Athletic Director and head coach of the Varsity Soccer team at Ryerson University, Dr. Joseph is often asked what skills he is searching for as a recruiter: Is it speed? Strength? Agility? In Dr.

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Dr. Maria Sirois and Dr. Randy Kamen: Finding Fulfillment and Joy in Midlife

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The Science That Will Change Your Future | Dr. Bruce Lipton

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Digital Life