10:08 min
Bart Houlahan, Cofounder of B Lab, looks at how B Lab is changing the role of business in society, evidence of B Lab’s impact, what factors are critical to scaling your social venture, tri-sector leadership, and preserving a company’s mission through succession.
We asked married couples at various stages: What marriage advice do you wish you had gotten as newlyweds? From being married for 5 hours to 65 years, take a look at what these couples have to say.
Carlette Christmas is On Point with Tony Gaskins Jr. discussing his new book "Make It Work: 22 Time-Tested, Real-Life Lessons for Sustaining a Healthy, Happy Relationship".
Description Understanding the role that unresolved disagreements play in building up resentment, ultimately leading to emotional disconnection.
In this conversation, we delve into some of the biggest misconceptions surrounding relationships, why we need to invest in ourselves, and why romantic love is a delusion.
Kim Eng shares that there is nothing wrong with expectations, but we should not become overly attached to them. Instead, we need to inquire into the source of those expectations to determine whether they are healthy and reasonable, or if they arise from the unconsciousness of the pain-body.
FranklinCovey is a global company specializing in performance improvement. We help organizations achieve results that require a change in human behavior.
Both collaboration and competition can help big business be the force for good.
Do you believe that people are capable of change, or that people are ultimately unchangeable? The way you feel about this question influences your own ability to grow, gain new skills, and develop positive change in your own life.