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8 Ways to Change Your Digital Life (So It Doesn't Drive You Crazy)


In this episode, Chelsea shows us all the little-known ways to live better online — something that's especially important to those of us practicing social distancing (which we all should be!), as we're spending even more time than usual at home and on our devices.

16:16 min

Winning: The Psychology of Competition

This book is designed to explain why winners win, why losers lose―and why everyone else finishes in the same position time after time. Addressing the competitor―whether in sailing, tennis, golf, baseball, or other sport―Stuart H.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageWhat we call ‘mastery’ can be defined as that mysterious process through which what is at first difficult or even impossible becomes easy and pleasurable through diligent, patient, long-term practice.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageResolve to do the things you find to be difficult. That’s what confident people do. They tackle those things that are scary and they get addicted to doing it.

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Rising Strong: How the Ability to Reset Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead

It is the rise from falling that Brown takes as her subject in Rising Strong.

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Flourish: A Visionary New Understanding of Happiness and Well-Being

“This book will help you flourish.” With this sentence, internationally esteemed psychologist Martin Seligman begins Flourish, his first book in ten years—and the first to present his dynamic new concept of what well-being really is.

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Digital Life