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8 Ways to Change Your Digital Life (So It Doesn't Drive You Crazy)


In this episode, Chelsea shows us all the little-known ways to live better online — something that's especially important to those of us practicing social distancing (which we all should be!), as we're spending even more time than usual at home and on our devices.

16:16 min


What Makes “Generation Z” So Different? | Harry Beard | TEDxAstonUniversity

Harry Beard is a 17-year-old entrepreneur who co-founded the generation Z marketing consultancy firm, Future Labs. Generation Z are, at an increasingly young age, putting themselves at the forefront of global discourse and empowering themselves through social media.

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Empowerment Coach Reveals How to Stop Self-Rejection and Develop Self-Confidence—Roxy Saffaie

Is your greatest enemy, or bully, in life actually yourself? Do you put yourself down, tell yourself, “You can’t do it,” or shut down your own dreams before even giving them a try? On this episode of Women of Impact, empowerment coach, podcast host, writer, and athlete Roxy Saffaie joins Lisa...

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Gary Zukav: Words of Wisdom—Defining Authentic Power | Women for One

Gary Zukav reveals a revolutionary new path for spiritual growth in his book Spiritual Partnership: The Journey to Authentic Power.

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Digital Life