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Devonté Hynes and Philip Glass Compare Notes


In 2017, Devonté Hynes invited Philip Glass to his New York apartment where they sat at a piano, compared chords and traded stories.

06:23 min


Watch this Before You Give Up on Your Dreams | Jay Shetty

So many of us give up. We give up too quickly. We settle too soon. A winner is just a loser that tried one more time. National Geographic asked me to make this video for their Chasing Genius launch.

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The First Thing I Learned as a Monk

This lesson has stayed with me and is so relevant to our lives today.

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How to Read a Book a Day to Change Your Life

I like big books and I cannot lie! Do you want to read more? May be you have a long list of books you want to get through. I've developed a system that allows me to read 1 book a day! I want to share it with you in this video!

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Creative Well-Being