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How Cannabis Legalization Is Changing the Workplace


As the country’s support for marijuana legalization grows, some employers are now looking at the once-taboo subject of weed and work differently. NBC News’ Vaughn Hillyard reports. 

04:12 min

Journeys with Plant Spirits: Plant Consciousness Healing and Natural Magic Practices

In this book, Emma Farrell explains how to take your connection and relationship with nature to a deeper level and access plant spirit healing through meditation with plants.

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Compassion Means Business At LinkedIn

I recently interviewed Scott Shute, Head of Mindfulness and Compassion at LinkedIn on his thoughts about compassionate leadership.

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To Touch Enlightenment with the Body

Like many Westerners, I always assumed that meditation was a “spiritual” phenomenon, which I took to mean that it somehow had to do with realms beyond the physical.

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Start with Your Body

A panel discussion with Phillip Moffitt, Cyndi Lee, Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and Reggie Ray. Introduction by Anne Carolyn Klein.

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Are You Working too Hard?

We all know that unmanaged stress can be destructive. But are there positive sides to stress as well?

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Tara Brach on How Meditation Brings Healing to Workplace Fears During Turbulent Times

During the global pandemic and racialized unrest, we all need pathways to calm, clarity and openheartedness. While it’s natural to feel fear during times of great collective crises, our challenge is that fear easily takes over our lives.

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Touching Enlightenment: Finding Realization in the Body

What does it mean to “meditate with the body”? Until you answer this question, explains Reggie Ray, meditation may be no more than a mental gymnastic ―something you can practice for years without fruitful results.

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The Practice of Pure Awareness: Somatic Meditation for Awakening the Sacred

Perhaps the most precious teaching Tibet has to offer the modern world is the practice of meditation. Reginald Ray presents the essence of this tradition through the somatic practice of Pure Awareness—a unique kind of meditation that is thoroughly grounded in the body and in ordinary experience.

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Somatic Descent: How to Unlock the Deepest Wisdom of the Body

Have you ever had a "gut feeling" about a certain person or situation? Or a sense of intuition about how to respond to a particular challenge in your life? There's nothing magical or mystical about those kinds of scenarios.

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The Awakening Body: Somatic Meditation for Discovering Our Deepest Life

A senior Buddhist teacher offers fundamental body-based meditation practices that prove enlightenment is as close to you as your own body.

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