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How Cannabis Legalization Is Changing the Workplace


As the country’s support for marijuana legalization grows, some employers are now looking at the once-taboo subject of weed and work differently. NBC News’ Vaughn Hillyard reports. 

04:12 min

The Cannabis Manifesto: A New Paradigm for Wellness

The Cannabis Manifesto is both a call to action and a radical vision of humans' relationship with this healing but controversial plant.

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Cannabis Pharmacy: The Practical Guide to Medical Marijuana

The most comprehensive and approachable book available on understanding and using medical marijuana.

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Work from Home Works Until You Need Time Off

It’s hard to articulate what a remote worker does when they’re sick. You’re not really “staying home” when you already usually work from home, and if work is right there, you have to stop scratching the itch that says It’s just one email. It won’t take long.

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What Women Should Tell Their Bosses When They Have Cancer

We hear a lot about the struggles of working women and the notion that we can create some semblance of order between managing responsibilities at home and at work. It’s the elusive work/life balance every working woman longs to achieve.

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To Work Through the Great Resignation, Take a Cue from Nature

This lesson of The Great Resignation is clear. We are putting life first. We are not machines. We want to regain humanity in our work.

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Françoise Bourzat: Consciousness Guide, Author, and Entheogenic Explorer

For those psychedelic users who experience post-use “spiritual comedowns”, psychedelic withdrawals, or a general sense of dopamine depletion, what can be done to alleviate these symptoms?

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Weed Shouldn’t Be Banned for Elite Athletes, Some Experts Say

The disqualification of a leading U.S. Olympics candidate has brought the World Anti-Doping Agency’s marijuana prohibition under fire

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FindCenter Quotes ImageHow ironic that the difficult times we fear might ruin us are the very ones that can break us open and help us blossom into who we were meant to be.

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The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness

Seldom does a book have the impact of Michelle Alexander’s The New Jim Crow.

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Are You Addicted to Doing?

When work life is overwhelming, we can get stuck in a loop of "busyness"—keeping the mind occupied with tasks to avoid work, which increases our stress levels. Explore these mindfulness tips to slow down so you can get more done.

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