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The Boy Crisis: A Sobering Look at the State of Our Boys | Warren Farrell Ph.D. | TEDxMarin


What is causing a worldwide Boy Crisis and how do we resolve it. A sobering look at the current state of Boys in our society and what we must understand before we can help them.

12:51 min


Child Acupuncture | Parents

This Eastern treatment isn't just for adults! We talk to a child acupuncture patient and find out what symptoms can be addressed with this treatment.

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Why Do Teens Cut Themselves? | Part 2

In an earlier video, Dr. Sarah Garwood discussed why teens cut themselves and how parents can recognize the warning signs. In this follow-up video, Dr. Garwood speaks directly to kids and teens about how to get help if you or someone you know is cutting or hurting themselves.

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Self Harm: Why Do Teenagers Do It? - Newsnight

The number of teenagers self-harming - cutting or poisoning themselves - is increasing at a startling rate according to new figures prepared for the World Health Organisation. Tanya Byron is a clinical psychologist and author of the Skeleton Cupboard.

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What Not to Do If a Child Is Self Harming

This video provides advice and ideas for concerned parents, teachers or other adults who want to know what they should and should not say and do if a child or young person discloses that they have been self-harming.

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Peter Levine Interview: Trauma Proofing Your Kids

Peter discusses how parents can help their children with the stresses of current events.

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Dr. Peter Levine on Child Sexual Abuse and Relational Trauma

Dr. Peter Levine talks about child sexual abuse and relational trauma.

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Raising Sons