Being Willed by the Truth - Kabir Helminksi
36:24 min
Jalaluddin Rumi has become one of the most widely read poets in our time. This collection of verse is drawn from Rumi's masterwork the Mathnawi, often referred to as the Qur'an in the Persian tongue.
Beloved you have created everything with the Truth. So let me enter whatever I enter with the Truth, and make my going forth with the Truth. Whoever begins with Truth, ends with Truth.
Howard Thurman writes here about the "meaning of the religious experience as it involves the individual totally, which means inclusive of feelings and emotions."
Howard Thurman tended not to speak of his own mystical inclinations, conscious that the word mysticism was likely to be misunderstood. And yet Thurman is commonly recognized as a mystic in the sense that he used the word to describe someone who had an acute experience of the Divine Life.
From one of the most revered scholars of religion, an incisive explanation of how the word “God” functions in the world’s great faiths Despite the recent ferocious public debate about belief, the concept most central to the discussion—God—frequently remains vaguely and obscurely described.
Sushan Shumsky has taught thousands how to develop a deep spiritual connection within themselves by learning to listen to and trust the "still small voice" within -- the voice that embodies the wisdom needed to set a clear direction in life and make the biggest decisions with peaceful confidence.
Why should we, why do we need to, reconnect to The Source? And what is The Source, and how do we connect with it? These are some urgent and now vital questions.
This week a dear friend of mine wanted to know why I use the word Source instead of the word God to describe the divine presence that exists throughout all realities. She was concerned because she thought using Source instead of God is blasphemous.
In pursuit of your spiritual growth, you cultivate your highest and most noble character. Everyday you strive to be your best self, to be of loving service, and learn everything you can about the spiritual life. These are the hallmarks of an evolving soul.
However we see the divine, what is essential is that we touch the reality of unity behind the appearance of diversity.