Individuals who identify as gender nonbinary offer advice for what people should know about the coming out and discovery process.
06:37 min
As part of a class assignment in seventh grade, Arwyn Halloran was asked to write an autobiography. Though initially unsure of whether to include her sexual orientation in the narrative, she ultimately decided that including that detail would be helpful to her class—and to her.
Janessa Goldbeck was an out, gay woman when she joined the Marines—but the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy was still in place, forcing her to hide her true self from others. After its official repeal, Goldbeck was able to educate others about LGBTQ issues.
Zachariah George is a twenty-five-year-old Native American living in the rural outcrop of White Rock, New Mexico. Going by the moniker Mr.
“There was no way for it to work together, so I created two people…”
Andrew Hozier Byrne, best known for his song Take Me To Church, is an Irish musician who advocates for gay rights, marriage equality, and feminism. This episode of Culture Counter will take us through Hozier’s musical career and explore his passion for political and social activism.
The ‘Queer Eye’ star and author of the new book ‘Over the Top’ wants to encourage people to be themselves, or like his mother always said, ‘bloom where you’re planted.’
Anthony Johnson is a social entrepreneur living in NYC and Arizona. In the video, Anthony talks about the importance of being open about mental health in an indigenous community, self care, and the power of shared story.
Calls for authenticity at work ask for passionate people with diverse, fresh perspectives who challenge old ways of thinking.
As part of the Create Forever campaign with FUJIFILM, we got a chance to sit down with the legendary Ira Glass and explore why he creates along with what it takes to find that thing that only you can make.
“The Paint Wizzard,’ by Jessie Auritt and Jessica Wolfson, follows Millie, a larger-than-life trans woman who recently came out, as she paints houses in Austin, Texas, and shares the struggles and joys of embracing her true self.