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How Parents Can Nurture Healthy Competition for their Children


How Parents Can Nurture Healthy Competition for their Children. This video is focused on helping parents to talk to children about healthy competition. See more...

03:26 min


Healthy Competition and Kids

"How was the game? Did you win?" are common questions from parents hoping to encourage their kids after a game.

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Understanding the Mind-Body Connection in Your Young Athlete with Chronic Pain

“Understanding the Mind-Body Connection in Your Young Athlete with Chronic Pain” explains that when caring for your child with chronic pain you may need to be open-minded and think outside of the box when looking for answers.

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Recognize the Signs of Burnout in Young Athletes

You might not think burnout is a problem common in sports. We usually think burnout is a problem adults face in their jobs. It can be an issue for kids too, and sports are often involved. In fact, burnout is thought to be one of the most common reasons that kids quit playing sports.

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How Painkillers Can Turn High School Athletes into Drug Addicts | TODAY

The epidemic of opioid abuse in America extends into high schools, where teens provided painkillers for sports-related injuries sometimes spiral into addiction.

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Caitlin Thwaites Talks about the Pressure that Parents from the Sideline Can Put on Kids in Sport

Caitlin Thwaites of the Australian Diamonds netball team talks about parents pressuring kids in sports.

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Youth Sports: Tips to Help Kids Handle the Pressure

Is your child feeling the pressures of a team or individual sport? Here are some tips on helping them handle the pressure.

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Parental Pressure in Sport

Small clip highlighting the role some parents play in youth athletics, sometimes, to the detriment of the game.

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Lakers’ Jesse Mermuys: Here’s What Happens When Parents Remove Pressure from the Sidelines

Los Angeles Lakers Assistant Coach Jesse Mermuys describes how young athletes already put so much pressure on themselves to perform; let’s not add to it.

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Parents Who Pressure Their Sports Kids

In “Mental Training Sessions with Doc,” Dr. Patrick Cohn answers your sports psychology and mental training questions about sports parents who pressure their kids.

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Do Athletes Face Unnecessary Parent Pressure?

Are you putting too much pressure on your children to get a sports scholarship? That kind of pressure on kids doesn’t work very well.

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