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Awakening Joy: Larry Yang on Levels of Integrity

By Larry Yang — 2014

Larry Yang on Levels of Integrity

05:07 min


Transforming Compulsion -- Facing Defense Mechanisms from Conscious Awareness | Jon Bernie

Nondual spiritual teacher Jon Bernie describes the three primary ways we compulsively struggle with our experience -- pulling it towards us, pushing it away, and trying to understand it -- and the falling away of these dynamics as we learn to fully allow the condition as it arises in the space of...

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On Consciousness: A Dialogue with Peter Russell

Physicist and author Peter Russell joins Eckhart Tolle in a fascinating dialogue about the nature of consciousness.

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Are There Stages of Realization?—Rupert Spira

A conversation with Rupert Spira about the unfolding of his realization.

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What Everyone Gets Wrong About Anxiety

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Ram Dass and Dr. Wayne Dyer, Dialogue 2

Maui. Dialogue between Ram Dass and Wayne Dyer about the idea of intention. Wayne used to think that intention was from the ego. But, now it is a surrendered state. When you are in harmony with the Universe, you follow God's intention. We are all one thing, so intention needs to be about connection.

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