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Jennifer Senior: All Joy and No Fun—The Paradox of Modern Parenthood


Thousands of books have examined the effects of parents on their children. See more...

48:24 min

Life as a Stepmother is No Fairytale—I Feel Sorry for My Wife

The children are angry and vulnerable, the father sides with them out of guilt, and stepmothers are just expected to suck it all up

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Dating: The Struggle Is Real for Single Parents

Deciding how to handle dating situations can be an issue in any relationship.

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All Joy and No Fun: The Paradox of Modern Parenthood

The instant New York Times bestseller that the Christian Science Monitor declared “an important book, much the way The Feminine Mystique was, because it offers parents a common language, an understanding that they're not alone” Thousands of books have examined the effects of parents on their...

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Becoming a Stepparent

Becoming a stepparent by blending families or marrying someone with kids can be rewarding and fulfilling. If you've never had kids, you'll get the chance to share your life with a younger person and help to shape his or her character.

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Hey, Wicked Stepmother, I Feel Your Pain!

How to stop hating yourself and your step-kid, as well.

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Far from the Tree: Parents, Children, and the Search for Identity

Solomon’s startling proposition in Far from the Tree is that being exceptional is at the core of the human condition—that difference is what unites us.

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Family Secrets—The Path fom Shame to Healing

Family Secrets gives you the tools you need to understand your family—and yourself—in an entirely new way. In his bestselling books and compelling PBS specials, John Bradshaw has transformed our understanding of how we are shaped by our families.

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Mom & Me & Mom

For the first time, Angelou reveals the triumphs and struggles of being the daughter of Vivian Baxter, an indomitable spirit whose petite size belied her larger-than-life presence—a presence absent during much of Angelou’s early life.

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Building Love Together in Blended Families: The 5 Love Languages and Becoming Stepfamily Smart

Blended families face unique challenges, and sadly, good intentions aren’t always enough. With so many complex relationships involved, all the normal rules for family life change, even how you apply something as simple as the five love languages.

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How to Navigate Tricky Mother-Daughter Relationships

"Grown don't mean nothing to a mother. A child is a child. They get bigger, older, but grown? What's that suppose to mean? In my heart, it don't mean a thing." — From Beloved, by Toni Morrison

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Adjusting to Parenthood