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Different Ways of Raising Your Children | Parenting Around the World | Real Families


How you raise your children is completely up to you, and how you discipline them can be different all around the world. Should smacking be illegal or does it depend on the child’s behaviour? What do you think? How involved are your family with raising your children?

04:13 min


Culture Shock and the Cultural Adaptation Cycle [What It Is and What to Do About It]

Travelling overseas is all about excitement and adventure, right? For the most part, yes. But there will be highs and lows, all part of having a one-of-a-kind overseas experience.

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Forgiveness Ceremony: Veterans Kneel at Standing Rock

At Standing Rock Reservation, veterans take a knee before indigenous leaders and ask forgiveness on behalf of the United States. Featuring Leonard Crow Dog and Wesley Clark, Jr.

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Latino Embracing Islam

A Latino punk rocker embraces the Muslim faith and changes the lives of himself and his family.

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Are We Allies? Black Americans vs Asian Americans | Middle Ground

A candid conversation reveals the pernicious, divisive myths behind the stereotypes of two communities.

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Don't Put People in Boxes

When we label people and put them in different boxes, we don't see PEOPLE for who they truly are. This video proves that we have a lot more in common than we think and we should keep that in mind when we encounter anyone who might seem different than we are.

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Churches Divided by Slavery Aim to Heal Racial Divide

CBS' James Brown tells the story of two 19th century Georgia churches that are coming together after being separated by slavery.

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Black Healing in White Space | Sacha Armstrong-Crockett | TEDxHartford

Being an African-American growing up in a white neighborhood can be challenging. Trying to keep your identity yet navigate in a different place. It can be a challenging balance to try to adapt to different cultures, styles, and communities.

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How Hiplet, a Fusion of Hip Hop and Ballet, Is Redefining the Dance World | W Magazine

After founding the Chicago Multi-Cultural Dance Center in 1981, Homer Bryant realized that by blending rap and ballet he might be able to get kids interested in dance, and thus Hiplet was born.

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The Urgency of Intersectionality | Kimberlé Crenshaw

Now more than ever, it's important to look boldly at the reality of race and gender bias -- and understand how the two can combine to create even more harm.

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The Surprisingly Black History of Veganism

Veganism can be traced back over two thousand years to the ancient cultures in India, the Mediterranean basin and Africa. Veganism can be traced back over two thousand years to the ancient cultures in India, the Mediterranean basin and Africa.

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Culturally Specific Parenting Perspectives