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Survivors Share Their Work & Cancer Experiences


You're not alone! Cancer and Careers is here to provide working people with cancer the support, coaching, advice and resources you'll need as you fight cancer. We offer career coaching/counseling, personal stories from other survivors, legal advice and so much more.

04:52 min


Being Present When a Loved One Is Suffering

Jeff Foster talks about healing in the deeper sense of the word-the present-moment remembrance of wholeness. He talks about how to sit with someone who is in pain, and invites us to stop trying to fix ourselves and others, and to start trusting the mysteries of healing.

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Kenneth Pelletier: Health and Your Whole Being (Excerpt) - Thinking Allowed W/ Jeffrey Mishlove

What constitutes a balanced lifestyle? How can diet, exercise and stress management combine to produce optimal states of health? Dr.

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