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I Don’t Want Children—Stop Telling Me I’ll Change My Mind | Christen Reighter


One in five women in the United States will not have a biological child, and Christen Reighter is one of them. From a young age, she knew she didn’t want kids, in spite of the insistence of many people (including her doctor) who told her she’d change her mind. See more...

14:37 min


Dear Overwhelmed Moms, Self-Care Isn’t Selfish | Liz Carlile | TEDxColoradoSprings

Self-care and self-love is the key to changing everything in your life. When her son was 6 weeks old, Liz found herself crying on the bathroom floor.

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LET THEM GO! Love Yourself FIRST - Best Motivational Speech 2020 - Louise Hay

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Choosing Childfree