I believe there are preconceived notions of how raising a child will go in terms of gender. We prepare ourselves in completely different ways when we learn we are having a boy or a girl and this is reinforced and policed from the second a child is born and beyond. See more...
I believe there are preconceived notions of how raising a child will go in terms of gender. We prepare ourselves in completely different ways when we learn we are having a boy or a girl and this is reinforced and policed from the second a child is born and beyond. But what happens when your child does not adhere to the confines of gender boundaries defined by society? How does that change how we view our children, ourselves, and the world around us? Gender has become a hot topic in almost every area of society—creating Princess Free Zone (a brand, website, blog) allowed me to be a voice in the positive change that has taken place over the last eight years. More importantly, though, I have a very personal stake in the dialogue because my daughter, by age three, rejected all things considered “girly.” It was through her that I found my calling. My talk would address my personal journey as a parent and the need for openness when raising our children in terms of how to nurture their exploration of identity versus hindering it.
15:21 min