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New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern Talks about Being a New Mom and World Leader | TODAY


New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, 38, is not only the youngest female head of state in the world. She’s also the first woman in nearly 30 years to give birth while in office. After welcoming her baby girl in June, the prime minister sits down with TODAY to talk about her life and career. See more...

05:49 min


Jamie Margolin—Burnout and Balance: Finding an Identity Outside Of Your Activism

Young climate activist Jamie Margolin describes how coming of age in a climate catastrophe marked her so profoundly that she became solely defined by her climate justice work. Yet ultimately she succumbed to overwhelm and exhaustion—burnout.

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How Modern Work Pressure Distorts Our Identity | Burnout

In the first part of The National’s series Battling Burnout, Canadian author and workplace expert Rahaf Harfoush tells Andrew Chang that pressures in the modern workplace are distorting our identities by often placing success at work at the expense of mental and physical well-being.

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Jennifer Senior: All Joy and No Fun—The Paradox of Modern Parenthood

Thousands of books have examined the effects of parents on their children.

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Different Ways of Raising Your Children | Parenting Around the World | Real Families

How you raise your children is completely up to you, and how you discipline them can be different all around the world. Should smacking be illegal or does it depend on the child’s behaviour? What do you think? How involved are your family with raising your children?

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Multicultural Couples Debate on Raising Their Children | 2 Cultures, 1 Couple

Couples with different cultural backgrounds discuss their children and how they choose to raise them, while navigating discipline, education, and social media. Love & Hip Hop’s DJ Drewski and Sky Landish weigh in on how they plan to raise their future children.

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Suffering from ‘Mommy Burnout?’ Take the Test with Ericka Sóuter to Find Out!

Ericka Sóuter, author of How to Have a Kid and a Life: A Survival Guide, talks about parenting dilemmas, including during challenging times such as the pandemic.

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#UnmotheringTheWoman - Regretting Motherhood - Jeri

This week on UnMothering the Woman, we are exploring the concept of regretting motherhood. In this episode, we speak to a woman whose family planning method failed (twice) and what that meant for her and her life moving forward, including her feelings and reflections on the trajectory her life took.

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Losing Your Identity to Motherhood

Thank you so much for watching and I hope TODAY you know that you are loved, treasured... beautifully and wonderfully made. Remember that there is no one in the world like you. You are a gift to the rest of us! xoxo Jeannie

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What Every New Parent Should Know: Diana Eidelman at TEDxBGU

Drawing from her experience as a mother and a Family Counselor, Diana Eidelman shares her insights into challenging and often contradictory experiences that define parenting in the modern world.

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Love, No Matter What | Andrew Solomon

What is it like to raise a child who’s different from you in some fundamental way (like a prodigy, or a differently abled kid, or a criminal)? In this quietly moving talk, writer Andrew Solomon shares what he learned from talking to dozens of parents—asking them: What’s the line between...

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Adjusting to Parenthood