Melody and Martell have a family outing with their children, and explain the process of co-parenting to their kids through fun games.
05:48 min
Being in a neurodiverse relationship can be extra challenging! In this video, Tay (neurodiverse) and her husband Scott (neurotypical) share 10 Tips for Neurotypical Partners in Neurodiverse Relationships.
“We have five minutes until the kids get bored!”
Psychologist James Bray on how to survive the high-stress first year of step parenting and establish a well-adjusted family that works for adults and children.
In this video we shared some of the mistakes we made as a blended family or commonly known as a step family. Being in a blended or step family is not easy and we hope this video will help you learn from our mistakes.
On this episode we discuss #blendedfamilies living separately together; when two bio families live under the same roof doing their own thing with the goal to blend. We give advice and perspective when it comes to joining two individuals together with their own kids in tow.
In the episode, I share an article I read recently with some simple strategies a woman used that really made a difference in making her “invisible” emotional labor visible to her husband.
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We asked married couples at various stages: What marriage advice do you wish you had gotten as newlyweds? From being married for 5 hours to 65 years, take a look at what these couples have to say.
It's estimated that about half of marriages end in divorce. Why are so many people getting divorced, and how can you prevent splitting up with your spouse? We asked four divorce lawyers what they've learned in their practice on how to keep your marriage alive.