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How to Support a Loved One in Pain?—Jeff Foster

By Jeff Foster — 2015

Jeff Foster talks with a woman about how to best support a loved one who is in emotional distress. Recorded 26th April live in Holland.

06:20 min


Beautiful Cancer / How to Overcome a Cancer Diagnosis | Jami Buchanan McNees | TEDxTemecula

There is something beautiful to be found in every situation. You just need to look for it. For Jami, receiving a Cancer diagnosis was no different. She knew there would be something amazing to experience through her diagnosis.

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Gratitude, a John Theurer Cancer Center Story

We treated Dominick first and Large B-Cell Lymphoma second.

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Finding your New Normal: Coping with Change After Cancer (US)

This presentation will help patients and their families understand and navigate the various lifestyle and role changes that can occur after a cancer diagnosis.

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A Cancer Patient’s Message: Don’t Let Cancer Define You

Mike Snyder has been dealing with a rare and aggressive bone cancer for many years. But despite his diagnosis, Mike maintains a positive outlook on life. His motto is to “not let cancer define you.”

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Neil Pasricha: The 3 A’s of Awesome

Neil Pasricha's blog 1000 Awesome Things savors life's simple pleasures, from free refills to clean sheets. In this heartfelt talk from TEDxToronto, he reveals the 3 secrets (all starting with A) to leading a life that's truly awesome.

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Dealing With Depression, Mental Health

I’ve never openly talked about or shared my experience with depression, but I’ve been feeling lately that I should share with you guys my experience in the hopes that I can help someone out there dealing with it.

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Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo - Patience Is the Antidote to Anger

Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo is one of only a handful of western woman to be ordained as a Tibetan Buddhist Nun. She is recognized as a powerful proponent of the universal need of individuals to find their voices so that all human beings can "realize their full potential.

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