A long overdue video sharing my story of being raised by 2 moms.
26:00 min
The miracle is that your children will love you with all your imperfections if you can do the same for them.
As many conventionally unhappy parents did in the 1950s, my parents stayed together for the sake of the children—they divorced after my youngest brother left home for college.
This bestselling classic by internationally acclaimed experts on communication between parents and children includes fresh insights and suggestions, as well as the author’s time-tested methods to solve common problems and build foundations for lasting relationships, including innovative ways...
Blended families face unique challenges, and sadly, good intentions aren’t always enough. With so many complex relationships involved, all the normal rules for family life change, even how you apply something as simple as the five love languages.
Attachment parenting has recently become a catchphrase for bonding with children. But there’s a lot more to it than babywearing and breastfeeding
Claire Arnold looks at the importance of maintaining physical and emotional connections with older children.
No amount of meditation will allow me to unhear the sickening thud of my toddler’s head as it made impact with the edge of our wooden coffee table.
The wisdom that Alice Miller shares with us in her famous book, The Drama of the Gifted Child, is something that every therapist who works with children revisits more often than we would like.
A powerful look at the importance of a mother’s presence in the first years of life In this important and empowering book, veteran psychoanalyst Erica Komisar explains why a mother’s emotional and physical presence in her child’s life—especially during the first three years—gives the child a...
How adding 30 seconds to a bedtime routine can foster empathy in a big way.