Penn State’s Joey Julius talks with ABC News’ Paula Faris about why he went public with his battle.
03:31 min
When it's hot out, and the pool is open the last thing that should be on anyone's mind is how they look in a swimsuit. It is a journey to being comfortable in your skin however you are born.
The hearing-impaired Seattle Seahawks fullback is out with his inspirational memoir, “No Excuses.”
If you want to see the kind of college success that every college girl hopes for, you have to learn this mindset shift that will change your whole college experience. If you’re not familiar with my story, I was a first-generation college student.
Arel Moodie delivers a fascinating talk on one of the most important life lessons he's learned: You don't have to be the smartest or most skilled to become successful. The secret, effort.
The Jed Foundation (JED) exists to protect the emotional well-being of our nation’s 75 million teens and young adults and prevent suicide.
The term “body image” refers to our thoughts, feelings and overall attitude around how we look, how we feel and the way our body works. Breast cancer and its treatment can have a negative impact on your body image.
Kelly McCue, a young adult with leukemia, discusses body image challenges she's experienced since her diagnosis.
Julie Charlish talks about body image issues and breast cancer from her own experience.
iBme teacher JoAnna Hardy briefly explains mindfulness of the body and how to see our bodies as places of refuge. She also talks about how challenging this is when we have personal and/or cultural judgments and opinion around our bodies.