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College Football Star Opens Up About Binge-Eating Disorder


Penn State’s Joey Julius talks with ABC News’ Paula Faris about why he went public with his battle.

03:31 min


I Failed My Final Exam | Quick Chat on Perfectionism

Just finished my first semester as a PhD student and I failed the final exam 🥲 Let's chat about failure, perfectionism, and resilience after falling short.

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Ant Clemons on BIPOC Men’s Mental Health

The Jed Foundation (JED) exists to protect the emotional well-being of our nation’s 75 million teens and young adults and prevent suicide.

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How Students of Color Confront Impostor Syndrome | Dena Simmons

As a black woman from a tough part of the Bronx who grew up to attain all the markers of academic prestige, Dena Simmons knows that for students of color, success in school sometimes comes at the cost of living authentically.

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Pizza-loving Simone Biles on Having Healthy Body Image

Simone Biles may be one of the greatest athletes in the world—but that doesn’t stop her from eating pizza all the time. She talks to Yahoo Global News Anchor Katie Couric about having a healthy body image, even despite being once being called fat by a rival coach. 

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Former NFL Player Discusses Self Body Image | Cut

We asked a former NFL Player to paint a nude self-portrait while discussing his relationship to his body.

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Binge Eating