Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution: Basketball coach Craig Esherick talks about conflict resolution and sports.
20:43 min
In the episode, I share an article I read recently with some simple strategies a woman used that really made a difference in making her “invisible” emotional labor visible to her husband.
HSPs come in different flavors: 70% are introverts, 30% are extraverts, and then there are sensation seekers. Here is how these differences affect your relationships.
People in your life can make you feel bad or wrong by saying one thing to you and meaning something else. You can avoid falling into their traps.
What does being passive aggressive mean?
One of those difficult and unhealthy or toxic behaviors that many of us have to deal with is passive aggressive behavior. This behavior is often referred to as covert aggression.
In this video, I dive into the topic of passive aggressive behaviour. What is it, and how can we recognize it in ourselves and others?
CNN's Tony Harris talks to the author of the new book, "Marry Him: The Case for Settling for Mr. Good Enough."
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After a few relationships gone bad and more than one night waiting by the phone, Oprah learned the hard way that if a man shows you he’s untrustworthy, believe him the first time. Watch Dr. Maya Angelou discuss this important life lesson with Oprah.