Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution: Basketball coach Craig Esherick talks about conflict resolution and sports.
20:43 min
Passive-aggressive people: Could you be one of them? Passive-aggressive people don't get mad, they get even. When conflict triggers an emotional response, the passive-aggressive pattern is for revenge, by some form of sabotage.
In this video, Swami Mukundananda relates a beautiful story to explain why one should never argue with others in life, even if you are right and the other is wrong. In the path of Bhakti, one's goal should be to develop tolerance and uplift themselves spiritually.
True Sport Expert and Author Nadia Kyba chats with Greg Mescall about her book, “This Is How We Roll Workbook: A Coach’s Guide to Transforming Conflict into High Performance,” which details bullying and conflict management.
Gary Furlong of Agree Dispute Resolution joins SCI’s Joshua Gordon to discuss the latest edition of his essential text, The Conflict resolution Toolbox. Gary’s toolbox provides key ways to diagnose a conflict and take action—a fundamental skill on and off the pitch.
Practicing Calm Amidst the Storm. Panel with Karen May, Vice President People Development, Google; Peter Deng, Director of Product, Facebook; Melissa Daimler, Head of Learning and Organizational Development, Twitter; and Arturo Bejar, Director of Engineering, Facebook, at Wisdom 2.0 2013.
These conflict resolution steps will help you resolve age-old arguments in your relationship.
In this talk, Clair identifies some of the ways we get stuck in the trap of justification and also provides hope for a new way of approaching conflict.
Dr. Jennifer Goldman-Wetzler, shows us how to free ourselves even when conflict resolution seems impossible.
Anybody can help resolve a conflict, says project manager Dorothy Walker. With three simple steps, she shares how you can use positive energy to solve conflicts between friends, coworkers, strangers, kids and beyond.
Robin Funsten has a knack for conflict - more specifically, in its successful resolution. She challenges us to look at the inevitable conflicts we face as opportunities for providing positive and lasting change.