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Understanding ADD/ADHD with Dr. Edward Hallowell

By Edward Hallowell — 2014

Learn more about a positive, practical and successful approach to ADD/ADHD from renowned ADD/ADHD expert Dr. Edward Hallowell M.D.

10:13 min


ADHD | Social Problems

Stuart discusses common problems that people with ADHD face when socializing with others.

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ADHD and Friendships: How to Play the Social Game!

The way ADHD brains develop can put us out of step with our childhood peers, leaving us feeling awkward, left out and with social anxiety that can follow us into adulthood. Here, I talk about my own experiences with that, and offer simple solutions.

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Autism In Company - Social Strategies | Purple Ella

Autism in Company - social strategies. How do you manage different hats/roles in different situations? How to adapt your social style based on level of relationship and situation.

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