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Understanding ADD/ADHD with Dr. Edward Hallowell

By Edward Hallowell — 2014

Learn more about a positive, practical and successful approach to ADD/ADHD from renowned ADD/ADHD expert Dr. Edward Hallowell M.D.

10:13 min


My Kid Is Not Crazy: A Search for Hope in the Face of Misdiagnosis

My Kid Is Not Crazy tracks the journey of six children and their families as they become tangled in the nightmare of a medical system heavily influenced by the pharmaceutical industry.

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Raising Resilient Adolescents with Erica Komisar

In this class, psychoanalyst and author Erica Komisar discusses the science behind raising resilient adolescents, an age group that is facing more mental distress than ever. Ms.

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Tourette Syndrome: Support for Parents

Do you suspect that your child might have Tourette Syndrome? What are the challenges of Tourette - for your child and for you? Where can you turn for support?

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How to parent a child with Tourettes - Tourettes101

Learning to live with Tourette’s is a journey. Whether it’s your Tourette’s or that of your child. But knowledge is power. So I asked parents of Tourette’s children: “What do you wish you knew when you just found out your child has Tourette’s?”

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Educating a Neurodiverse World | Brian Kinghorn | TEDxTeachersCollege

What kind of world would we have if we all realized what kind of mind we had and began appreciating it? What if we did the same for others? In this talk, Brian Kinghorn champions the cause of Neurodiversity, arguing that there is not just one “standard-issue” brain.

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The Power of Positive Words

In November 2015, the Young Men in the Imperial Falls ward decided to change some lives for the better. They surprised more than 30 girls and told them how fantastic they all were!

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The Pandemic’s Fourth Wave: Children’s Mental Health | Amanpour and Company

From sudden changes like Zoom lessons to social isolation, the pandemic has hit children in ways we may not yet be able to quantify. It’s an issue psychologist Rebecca Kennedy is putting front and center in her work.

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Loss of Appetite in Toddlers – Reasons & Solutions

If your child turns away everything that you serve on the plate, he may be a picky eater. It's certainly worrying when your little one creates a fuss about food regularly. But don’t worry; a loss of appetite in toddlers is a common problem.

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Growing Up Digital: Life in A World of Networks and Screens

For nearly all of human history, communication and social interaction involved face-to-face contact. Now, screen-based digital devices mediate a substantial array of interactions.

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Culture Before Curriculum | Andrew Hammond | TEDxRoyalTunbridgeWells

Our children are more than the sum of their school grades. Behind every exam result lies a whole person with incalculable, untapped potential and myriad facets and capacities just waiting to be discovered.

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