Learn more about a positive, practical and successful approach to ADD/ADHD from renowned ADD/ADHD expert Dr. Edward Hallowell M.D.
10:13 min
In this follow-up video, I discuss the steps towards making an ADHD diagnosis and the kinds of help available for adults. Most people with ADHD are in such a hurry that they don’t stop long enough to observe who they are.
This video is about stimulant medication, more specifically the general stigma that steers people away from trying them as part of treatment for ADHD.
In this video Ned discusses the mind of the Entrepreneur. What you should love and what you should watch out for and how to be more effective.
This week, How to ADHD presents an incredible special guest: Dr. Ned Hallowell.
Dr. Hallowell is considered to be one of the foremost experts on the topic of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD.) He has helped thousands of people change their lives through his strength-based approach, which promotes the benefits of ADHD.
In this video, I explore why it’s not uncommon for high achieving adults who have ADHD, who may or may not know it, not to get help. A lot of people think that if you’re doing well in life, like Bubba Watson, or other successful people with ADHD, you don’t need help.
In this presentation, you will: Learn effective, invaluable tools and strategies needed to prosper in the world of speed and overload which we live.
For those of us who have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), anger is common and can be a big problem. In this video, Dr. Hallowell discusses ADHD and Anger, how to identify and watch out for your triggers and why now is a particularly tough time for people with ADHD.
Although Dr. Hallowell is known for talking about the advantages of having ADHD, in this video he addresses the flip side of the trait. He acknowledges why someone with ADHD could get mad at him for having the temerity to say, “having ADHD is actually a good thing.
The trick to managing your attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is managing your attention and managing your emotions. Same holds true for athletes.