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Athletes and Body Image: A Discussion on Eating Disorders


Millions of people in the U.S. have an eating disorder and a portion of these people are athletes. Erin Mandras of Kick the is one such athlete who developed an eating disorder. See more...

30:57 min


Olympian Gracie Gold Gets Candid About Her Mental Health with Michelle Kwan | Thank You Notes

Michelle Kwan may be one of the best figure skaters of all time, but it’s her incredible resolve that made her such an inspiration to fellow skater Gracie Gold. In this video, Gracie tells Michelle: “You once estimated that you’ve fallen 131,000 times in your skating career.

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Asian American Women Share Struggles With Beauty Standards

For most women, the pressure to be "beautiful" is difficult, but Asian American women face a unique challenge.

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After Baby, Don’t Bounce Back. Bounce Forward! | Tiffiny Hall | TEDxDocklands

Tiffiny Hall is passionate about helping women feel confident and strong. Tiffiny explores the pressures placed on women to bounce back and lose weight after they give birth and shares her experiences in dealing with the bounce back culture after she had a baby.

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The Kennedy Forum: Michael Phelps and David Axelrod Discuss Mental Health

Michael Phelps discusses his struggle with mental health through his swimming career.

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Feldenkrais Lesson #17—To Relieve Sciatic Nerve Pain

This Feldenkrais lesson will bring some relief to sciatic nerve pain. This condition is ever so common nowadays because of all the sitting we are doing. The sciatic nerve is one of the first things to be affected when it comes to too much sitting.

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Ending the Pursuit of Perfection | Iskra Lawrence | TEDxuniversityofnevada

In this inspiring talk, model Iskra Lawrence asserts that we all need to be taught how to look after ourselves mentally, physically, and emotionally and encourages us to invest in ourselves right now.

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Meditation. Travel day tips. Making goals happen. Venice beach. And other musings.

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