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Female Athletes Talk Body-Image Issues and Eating Disorders | Players’ Tribune X Victoria Garrick


In 2018, @The Players’ Tribune teamed up with @Victoria Garrick to address the body-image issues many female athletes are facing. In this video, eight USC athletes share their stories.

03:04 min


Stop Hating Your Body; Start Living Your Life | Taryn Brumfitt | TEDxAdelaide

“You are fat”, “You are ugly”, “You are disgusting”. That’s what millions of women around the world say to themselves in the mirror every day. That’s what Taryn said to herself every day before she realised that her body is not an ornament; it’s the vehicle to her dreams.

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Believing Is Seeing: A New Perspective on Body Dysmorphia | Meredith Leston | TEDxOxford

This talk highlights the universality of body dysmorphia; this is a condition that affects us all to a greater or lesser degree. Meredith shares how her own experience of anorexia nervosa and the distorted body image that accompanied it drove her to better understand body dysmorphia.

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Living Without Shame: How We Can Empower Ourselves | Whitney Thore | TEDxGreensboro

How do we handle self-perception when our bodies don't match the ideal social image? The answer is to find a way to live without shame.

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Women of All Ages Talk About Their Bodies | Body Image | Refinery29

When you get women of all ages to chat about how they feel of their bodies.

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The Secret Ingredient to Feeling Good in Your Body | Marla Mervis-Hartmann | TEDxSalinas

“Do you Love Your Body?” As creator of Love Your Body Love Yourself, Marla Mervis-Hartmann assists women in finding a “YES!” to that question.

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Body Image in LGBT Community | Salihsworld | #Beautywithoutbias | Superdrug

In this month’s instalment, Salih dives into the world of body image, exploring problems relating to appearance in the LGBT community, how and why they arise and the positive steps you can take to overcome them.

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Body Positivity or Body Obsession? Learning to See More & Be More | Lindsay Kite | TEDxSaltLakeCity

Lexie Kite, and began giving presentations for schools, treatment centers, religious congregations across the U.S. on the power of recognizing, rejecting and resisting harmful messages about bodies and women’s worth in popular culture.

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Body Image & Confidence | 5 Things Every Girl Should Know | Life

Hey loves! Hope you enjoy this video of me sharing some tips for being body confident and having what I think is a good mindset when it comes to body image issues!

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Lili Reinhart’s Revealing Speech About Body Image | Glamour WOTY 2018

The Riverdale actress opened up about self-love at the Glamour 2018 Women of the Year Summit.

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The Skill of Self-Confidence | Dr. Ivan Joseph | TEDxRyersonU

As the Athletic Director and head coach of the Varsity Soccer team at Ryerson University, Dr. Joseph is often asked what skills he is searching for as a recruiter: Is it speed? Strength? Agility? In Dr.

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Body Image