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Female Athletes Talk Body-Image Issues and Eating Disorders | Players’ Tribune X Victoria Garrick


In 2018, @The Players’ Tribune teamed up with @Victoria Garrick to address the body-image issues many female athletes are facing. In this video, eight USC athletes share their stories.

03:04 min

The Aerobics Program for Total Well-Being: Exercise, Diet, and Emotional Balance

Millions have benefited from Dr. Cooper’s famous aerobic exercise programs. He has revolutionized the way Americans get in shape and stay in shape. Now, he presents a complete program for total well-being—physically, nutritionally, emotionally.

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Zen Athlete: The Secrets to Achieving Your Highest Potential

Zen Athlete demystifies the art of mental training, flow and peak performance. At its core Zen Athlete is a practical guide to self mastery.

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Daily Meal Plans for Athletes

If you're an athlete, you know all too well how important feeling your best is to optimal training and performance. The foods you consume actually become you — as the building blocks for your muscles, connective tissue and bones.

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Vitamin and Mineral Needs of Athletes

Vitamins and minerals, also known as micronutrients, are crucial for a variety of activities in the body such as turning food into energy and keeping bones healthy. They also may affect how well the body performs.

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Eat Right to Play Hard

Active kids need "high-octane" fuel. In addition to calories for daily activities, health, brainpower and growth, child athletes need energy for sports. To give their performance a boost, feed these young athletes power foods packed with nutrients.

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An Overview of Sports Nutrition

Sports nutrition is the foundation of athletic success. It is a well-designed nutrition plan that allows active adults and athletes to perform at their best.

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Why is Diet So Important for Athletes?

Athletes will have different nutritional needs compared with the general public. They may require more calories and macronutrients to maintain strength and energy to compete at their optimum level.

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Sports Nutrition For Young Adults: A Game-Winning Guide to Maximize Performance

Elevate Your Diet, Elevate Your Performance--the Cookbook And Sports Nutrition Guide For Young Athletes A Structured And Disciplined Training Regimen Is Vital To Any Up-and-coming Athlete--but Without Proper Nutrition, You Are Just Spinning Your Wheels.

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The Athlete's Gut: The Inside Science of Digestion, Nutrition, and Stomach Distress

The majority of endurance athletes suffer from some kind of gut problem during training and competition. Symptoms like nausea, cramping, bloating, side stitches, and the need to defecate can negatively impact an athlete’s performance.

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Essential Sports Nutrition: A Guide to Optimal Performance for Every Active Person

Sports nutrition is a vital element for reaching peak physical performance. To maximize workouts and athletic ability, Essential Sports Nutrition offers the most up-to-date nutritional guidance along with delicious recipes to make eating right for an active lifestyle, easy.

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