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Gloria Steinem: What History Gets Wrong About Feminism

By Gloria Steinem — 2020

Feminist living legend Gloria Steinem joins Carlos today to share her advice on building a movement and discuss the unrepresented Black feminist leaders who fought alongside her. Be sure to tune in today to catch her unexpected take on President Trump. See more...

23:36 min


Spirituality in Jewish Social Justice Activism: R' Shmuly Yanklowitz Interviews R' Danya Ruttenberg

Rabbi Dr. Shmuly Yanklowitz, President & Dean of Valley Beit Midrash interviews Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg on the topic of "Spirituality in Jewish Social Justice Activism."

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Rev. Dr. Serene Jones Preaches to Disciples of Christ General Assembly

In this far-reaching address, Rev. Jones describes the ways that white supremacy, greed, and the disregard for our environment have wounded our nation. She then offers a new path forward, one grounded in the love of Christ, and God's demand for justice.

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Riane Eisler: Spiritual Courage

Riane Eisler, an eminent social scientist and activist, attorney, and author, explains how her mother exemplified spiritual courage, the courage to stand up to injustice out of love.

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Challenging Religious & Patriarchal Structures | Sherin Khankan | TEDxLausanneWomen

Sherin speaks as she's a female Imam and shares the stories left untold about psychological violence and religious control, and how to break the circle of shame, loneliness and abuse.

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Ericka Huggins: The Role of Spiritual Practice in Social Justice Work | Bioneers 2016

Grounded in her belief in the greatness of the human heart, Ericka says each one of us has the ability to look there for the answers to questions about the future of our world. Personal transformation is necessary to achieve social transformation.

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2014 Conference of the Americas - Breakout Session - Daisy Khan

Muslim women leaders at the frontlines of change

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Terry Sanford Distinguished Lecture | Rev. Dr. William J. Barber

The Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II spoke on “Poverty, Health and Social Justice” Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2018. The joint Terry Sanford Distinguished Lecture and Boyarsky Lecture in Law, Medicine and Ethics coincided with the United Nations World Day of Social Justice.

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Rev. William Barber on Poor People’s Campaign, Public Mourning, Changing Policies for Justice, and More

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America, America, What’s Going On? | A Moral Critique by Rev. Dr. William J. Barber, II

October 25th, 2018—Rev. Dr. William J. Barber, II lectures at St. John’s University in New York.

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Courage Is Contagious | Damon Davis

His documentary "Whose Streets?" tells the story of the protests from the perspective of the activists who showed up to challenge those who use power to spread fear and hate.

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