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Elaine Aron, PhD: How to Deal with the Crisis when you are a Highly Sensitive Person

By Elaine Aron — 2020

In 1991 Dr. Elaine Aron identified the trait of high sensitivity. The trait occurs in 1 in 5 people and in over 100 other species. The foundation of the trait is DOES: HSPs are deep thinkers, they get easily overstimulated, have more empathy and notice subtleties more than others do. See more...

08:59 min


Psychiatrist Hyla Cass: First Do No Harm

Psychiatrist Hyla Cass says most psychiatrists simply label patients mentally ill based solely on symptoms and put them on dangerous and addictive drugs, instead of doing complete physical examinations to find and treat underlying medical conditions which can manifest as psychiatric symptoms.

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Emotional and Mental Health