Françoise Bourzat speaks about her journey with psilocybin.
01:47:46 min
Shortly before his death in 2008, the late Irish poet John O'Donohue recited his poem, meaning blessing, during an interview with Krista Tippett. We've woven his close friends' photographs of him in his Celtic landscapes with this reading.
During an Online Satsang on February 13th, 2021, nondual spiritual teacher and author Jon Bernie speaks about the natural healing process of awakening.
Founders of the Diamond Approach Hameed Ali (A. H. Almaas) and Karen Johnson explore key principles of the Diamond Approach and how daily life can be used as its own spiritual practice.
We discuss binaural beats and how they can help us with awakening and expanding our consciousness. Also, talk about NDE’s and how we can have the same experience with meditation as well as binaural beats.
Noah is an explorer of what is happening in his own experience. This started on the level of mind, and gradually opened to exploring what's going on in his body, and then from his soul. This journey has led him to meet, feel, heal, and let go of a tremendous amount of pain.
The path for Evolution of personal consciousness takes place through cultivation of the inner nature of human consciousness. This cultivation spans a range of practices encapsulating the varied and multi-dimensional aspects of life.
Author Michael Singer says the voice inside your head that expresses doubts and worry is not you; it's your deeper consciousness. Find out how Michael first realized what that voice was and how to separate what you're not from what you are.
This is the moment I have been born for. I have spoken throughout the years that Our Crisis is Birth, before there was a crisis or a birth! Now there are both simultaneously. This has encouraged me to offer for the first time a genuine EVOLUTIONARY JOURNEY to the world.
In this interview, Mark, who is the author of the New York Times bestseller “The Book of Awakening” and 17 other books, including his most recent, “The One Life We’re Given,” talks about his own healing journey from cancer, his own transformation and awakening, his work with Oprah...