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Françoise Bourzat: Psilocybin

By Francoise Bourzat — 2021

Françoise Bourzat speaks about her journey with psilocybin.

01:47:46 min


Weaving Worlds: Indigenous Traditions & Western Psychotherapy

In this unique cross-cultural conversation, we compare and discuss the connections between Mazatec healing traditions and Western psychotherapy.

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Morning Practice: Muslim Prayer

How often do you pray? Muslims must pray five times a day. Watch as Daisy Khan walks us through her early-morning ritual.

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Mental Aspect of Sports with Seahawks Sports Psychologist Dr. Michael Gervais

Seattle Seahawks Sports Psychologist Dr. Michael Gervais talks about the mental aspect of performance in the NFL in this edition of the Nike 11-Online Virtual Training Series.

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Rituals: Stephen Curry

Hear from Stephen Curry as he explains his rituals and how they prepare him for Dubs’ game days.

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The Importance of Ritual in Repairing Our Relationship with the Earth

Cláudio Carvalhaes, Associate Professor of Worship at Union, discusses his class "Creating Rituals in Community: Mourning the Earth," and how liturgical action help help us restore our understanding of the sacredness of God's creation.

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Sadhguru: Are Rituals Outdated?

Sadhguru addresses a common belief among millennials that rituals are no longer relevant today. He explains what a ritual is, how and why rituals were created, and their importance.

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The Importance of a Morning Ritual

Do you have a morning ritual? What is your current morning ritual? Is doing yoga, meditation or exercise part of your morning ritual? In this episode, I’ll walk you through the importance of having a morning ritual where you can get connected and centered within yourself everyday.

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The Importance of Death Rituals (Shradh) - Sadhguru

During a conversation with Prasoon Joshi on Unraveling Death, Sadhguru answers a question on the importance of performing death rituals, or shradh.

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What Is Ritual?

Ritual. We all think we know what it means...right? Ritual, though, is a lot more complicated than you think.

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Why Rituals Matter

What is a ritual, and what is its impact in today's society? "What isn't a ritual?" asks Michael Norton in this fascinating talk about the role that ritual continues to play in our lives.

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