Françoise Bourzat speaks about her journey with psilocybin.
01:47:46 min
In this unique cross-cultural conversation, we compare and discuss the connections between Mazatec healing traditions and Western psychotherapy.
Profound experiences of non-dual consciousness sometimes lead to lasting, and lastingly beneficial, changes in values and behavior.
While traveling in Mexico in search of shamanic knowledge, I came across this really interesting teacher called Artemio Solís Guzmán. I don't think i've ever met someone so knowledgeable in the area of mysticism and shamanism.
Leading psychopharmacologist Roland Griffiths discloses the ways that psychedelic drugs can be used to create spiritually meaningful, personally transformative experiences for all patients, especially the terminally ill.
Our time with a curendera in the small town of Huautla de Jimenez, Oaxaca, Mexico. Mushroom healer from the Mazatec tradition. We also visit the home and family of Maria Sabina.
Kerry Pappas was diagnosed with stage III lung cancer in 2013. After participating in a psilocybin study, she lost her crippling anxiety about death. "60 Minutes" reports on the therapeutic use of psychedelics.
Paul Stamets has been studying psilocybin mushrooms since the mid 1970's. Having written 6 books, including two field guides to psilocybin mushrooms, Paul has named four new psilocybin-active mushroom species.
Paul Stamets Psilocybin Mushrooms and The Mycology of Consciousness
In the second half of an extended talk at SAND 18, Paul Stamets, author, mycologist, medical researcher and entrepreneur, tells stories of the early years of research into psychoactive mushrooms, and describes a number of species and their characteristics, in particular psilocybes.