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A Healing Grove: African Tree Remedies for Mind, Body and Spirit

By Stephanie Rose Bird — 2009

A Healing Grove: African Tree Remedies and Rituals for the Body and Spirit by Stephanie Rose Bird draws on the rich historical African tradition of the remedial qualities of trees, rallies against society's increasing detachment from nature and highlights the contemporary social and economical... See more...

04:15 min


James Hillman on Changing the Object of our Desire

James Hillman was an American psychologist. He studied at, and then guided studies for, the C.G. Jung Institute in Zurich. He founded a movement toward archetypal psychology and retired into private practice, writing and traveling to lecture, until his death at his home in Connecticut.

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John Bradshaw on Moral Intelligence Living Smart With Patricia Gras

Author, counselor, theologian and lecturer John Bradshaw discusses his newest book, Reclaiming Virtue, the definition of virtue and how to live life with moral intelligence.

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Connection with Nature