Just because you’re gay, doesn’t mean you can’t play.
11:09 min
The hearing-impaired Seattle Seahawks fullback is out with his inspirational memoir, “No Excuses.”
Sojourner Truth (born Isabella Baumfree, c. 1797 to November 26, 1883) was an African-American abolitionist and women's rights activist best-known for her speech on racial inequalities, "Ain't I a Woman?", delivered extemporaneously in 1851 at the Ohio Women's Rights Convention.
Michael Phelps speaks about the importance of mental health for athletes.
Five-time Olympic medalist Simone Biles talks to TODAY’s Hoda Kotb about the new scholarship being launched in her name, a new Lifetime movie based on her life, the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo and the sentencing of disgraced doctor Larry Nassar. She says the judge in Nassar’s trial is her “hero.
Luvvie Ajayi Jones isn’t afraid to speak her mind or to be the one dissenting voice in a crowd, and neither should you. “Your silence serves no one,” says the writer, activist and self-proclaimed professional troublemaker.
Chase Jarvis welcomes author, scholar, and public speaker Brené Brown to the studio to discuss how failure, heartbreak, or loss can unlock creativity and your biggest successes in life.
This video is included in the free online Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction course (MBSR) by Palouse Mindfulness. It is an edited compilation of three videos.
In this episode of Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu, Marie Forleo talks about why we need to talk more about death, how she’s disrupting education with socially conscious business practices, and how to tap into both your feminine and masculine side.
Satsang with Mooji, Zmar Silent Retreat, Portugal, 19 September 2012, session 2. “You must choose freedom. Don’t pretend: ‘Let’s see if it is working out.’ No. You must choose. Not ‘I want.’ No! ‘I choose. I choose this!’ And let the consequences come because that is Truth.
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Marie joins cultural icon Brene Brown in Texas to talk about her book “Braving the Wilderness.” Brené explains how to balance our need for individuality and standing out with our innate need for social acceptance.